Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Images From the Festival

 Opening Ceremonies at the SAICFF

 The room is filling up for "Hymns and History"s screening!

 Amy Salter-Rutherford and family perform "Be Thou My Vision"

 Doug Phillips (founder of the SAICFF) and family

 Abigail and her friend Virginia Phillips had matching dresses!

The venue was amazing

"Hymns and History" at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival!

  "Hymns and History" was a finalist at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. 
The room was almost full as the film premiered! 
Mark Stubblefield with EventBloggers.com posted a report live from the screening.  To see what he had to say about the film, visit www.eventbloggers.com.

Mark Stubblefield and son